This is our raw footage which after feedback we have decided that it is in need for some improvement. For example we focused on too many long and mid shots which portray little style and are not interesting enough for our music video. Therefore, we need to focus on creating more extreme low angle tilts of the big buildings aswell as close ups and zooms on the protaginist enabling the audience to see her emotions. Furthermore, after hearing feedback from our teacher we have decided on some new urban looking locations for our main character to walk through, we especially need to create extreme low angle tilts of big industrial buildings, for examples high street shops.
Although there are areas of our first shoot that need improving we have decided to keep the shots where the protaginist is walking out of the underpass and up to the busy street showing cars and buildings. We will also keep the shots of the graffitti due to the fact that they are perfectas a cultural signifier to the urban locations of Britain.
A good idea to post raw/practice footage. Best shot - Lyndsey coming up from the underpass from Chapelfield and final low angle shot. The rest of the shots lacking composition.
ReplyDeleteTechnical areas to strengthen!!!
AVOID LONG OR MEDIUM SHOTS instead close ups or zooms please, you had this problem in your first shoot of your thriller last year/ Keep Lyndsey central to mise-en-scene and shoot buildings in extreme low angle slight tilt. These shots also in The Third Man.
So thinK: The Third Man, Africa Shox to mprove camera angles and movement:
Note the cinematography, low angle close ups of threatening urban spaces, i.e. tall buildings, traffic lights, police cars, Cutting to closeups of the bewilderred/confused protagnost. Avoid blandness! Go for style and impact! Bring camera into school and we can practise. TAKE STILLS OF LOCATION TO FURTHER PRACTISE COMPOSITION.