Tuesday 2 October 2012

Music Festivals

Music festivals have become increasingly popular over the last decade, some becoming more of a social event rather and others purely showing a specific genre of music. There are several reasons that explain the rising popularity of music festivals one being the increased size of media, as nowadays there are many music channels displaying new and old artists as well as websites which promote music. Also their is an increase in communication as social networks such as Facebook increase the popularity of music festivals as if one person went to Latitude for example they may post pictures or write about how great it was influencing others on Facebook to want to go too meaning communication is made easy and effective.
        Another reason why Festivals have become increasingly popular is due to the sense of belonging that someone may feel when attending a festival, being around others who also enjoy the same music and who may have the same image and outlook on life. Although this can be experienced at gigs, gigs don't last as long as a festival meaning that the enjoyment cannot last over a weekend and a variety of music cannot be experienced. Also what is so popular about a festival is the fact that it is like a mini camping holiday with a fun and relaxed vibe as well as a great way to spend time with your friends and meet new friends.  

        Marketing a festival via posters is vital in showing the particular vibe and genres of the festival, a few examples of festival posters promoting contrasting genres are these:

 Latitude: The Indie/alternative/acoustic/folk genre would be best fitting in summing up the music at Latitude, showing some well known artists and other not so well known meaning that it is has a less mainstream feel to it than other festivals. This festival is primitively advertising a fun packed weekend which is not only about the music but is also about the social side, camping with your friends as if you are on a mini holiday. As there is a lot to do at this festival, including watching comedy acts, poetry readings and even exercise classes this festival therefore it proves to be  'more than just a music festival'. Our target audience may attend this festival due to it's less mainstream genre of music showing many independent bands. Also this poster may appeal it's specific audience of due to it's vintage style theme maybe appealing to those with that particular style, people with creativity.

This poster of the Download festival completely contrasts Latitude in every way, the genre in particular and the overall vibe of the festival. Download is primarily advertising it's music as there is little on the poster about the location of the festival like Latitude but only about the big bands and singers who will be there. This poster is appealing to it's audience of metal fans as it's black and gothic style theme may relate to their overall image as well as showing the importance of the bands as it uses their particular font types so there importance stands out. 

The festival that our target audience could potentially go to is Green Man which is an Independent music festival held in Wales. First of all this festival is fitting to the genre of our music video therefore our target audience would like to go see music of that genre, which is folk/alternative/acoustic. This festival is interested in promoting new and upcoming artists which would be appealing to our audience who are interested in finding new music and supporting independent artists.Therefore, as Green man organises an unsigned band online competition online it therefore brings new music to the festival as well as a varied audience of different ages. Also, Green man's main offer isn't just it's music it also provides other entertainment so it would be suitable to our target audience due to the creative feel, as literature readings are shown as well as being able to take part in arts and crafts.

In comparison to the poster on the left which is from 2003's festival the current Green Man festival poster is first of all promoting the bigger artists with a bigger font. This contrasts to the older poster as instead all the artists are shown in pretty much the same size font indicating they are all of equal popularity. This also shows that the Green Man festival may have not been mainstream or popular enough back then to have mainstream artists play there.

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