Wednesday 27 February 2013

Feedback for Digipak - revisions completed

 Panel 1 - Little change has been made to this panel due to the advice being primarily focused on the advert and back panel. However, as the people who  reviewed my digipak are from the specific age demographic for the target audience it was useful to look at the feedback may it be positive or negative. Several comments that came up about this panel mentioned the colour range, for instance

 "The colours of both the dress and curtain clash, suggest creating those curtains in a lighter colour"

"up the contrast on front cover - brighter colours"

"the use of plain text is appealing"

-In response to the feedback given from the specific age demographic my digipak is aiming for, I decided to up the contrast a touch for the front cover just so that the red of the curtain pops out more. However, due to the minority suggesting that the colour of the curtain should change I decided to keep it the same, especially after asking others what they think and them disagreeing with the view that the different shades clash.

This is panel 2,3,4 and the main comments that cropped up about these panels was that I should up the contrast on the images in order to achieve a more vibrant effect, nevertheless the photographs were liked by some. Others felt that the right panel stood out too much, however the idea of the panel is for panel 2 and panel 4 to be overly contrasted thus representing the contrast between illusion and reality in the music video. Therefore, I didn't take the right picture out as it linked the digipak and music video together by telling the story of the music video.

The only comment made about panel 5 was that there was a spelling mistake which needed to be changed so  I made sure to correct that. 

The magazine advert that I made was criticized as being "too grainy" this was because I used an effect on Photoshop called 'Bevel and Emboss' due to thinking it would enable the advert to achieve an edgy look. However, it came out looking like the photograph is of bad quality and as many people commented on that when reviewing the advert I made sure to change it back to normal.

Suggestions made to improve this panel:
-"move image up slightly to fill space, or move down"
-"make the advert in colour instead of black and white"

Here is the final magazine advert with revisions.
-"If the person in the photograph was in colour but the background kept black and white it would have more effect"   - After reading the suggestions I decided to try and make it so that there was a bit of colour in the advert but not so that it is overly bright. This achieved a more appealing look and was the happy medium as it shows a hint of colour without being in your face and is a lot more interesting to look at than the dull black and white one as shown above. To some extent, it also reflects the notion of nostalgia which is portrayed in the music video, and related to the album cover name and title of the song 'Antiques' as it is slightly in sepia so therefore gives off a vintage like feel. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done Lydnsey, you can now upload all your panels and your magazine advert to the completed productions label.
